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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Give Greener Cars the Green Light

Give Greener Cars the Green Light
Cleaner Cars
Tell the EPA to stop dragging its feet and give the states the green light to put cleaner cars on the road.

Better Energy Legislation
Tell your Senator to fix the current energy legislation by guaranteeing progress on global warming and ensuring safeguards for the environment.

Cool It
Use our simple comparison-shopping tool to find a car that puts less carbon in the atmosphere.

Even though the debate about global warming has moved from "is it happening?" to "how do we slow it down?" -- meaningful action at the federal level could be a ways off.
And unfortunately, the Bush Administration's EPA is blocking California and 11 other states from implementing tailpipe standards to reduce global warming pollution from cars and SUVs. For nearly a year and a half, the EPA has refused to grant a stamp of approval (called a Clean Air Act "waiver"), and air pollution has been higher than it needs to be.
The public comment period ends this Friday June 15th, so take action right away in support of state-level efforts to combat global warming.
Click here to send a letter to the EPA today.
Support Better Energy Legislation
Also this week, the Senate will debate energy legislation that, if done right, could be a meaningful step toward solving global warming, reducing our dependence on imported oil, and protecting the health of our citizens. However, the current energy bill (S.1419) will fail to achieve these goals unless it is fixed to guarantee progress on global warming and include safeguards for the environment.
Contact your Senators today and urge them to support the following:
Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) requiring 20 percent of electricity to be produced from renewable energy resources (wind, solar, etc.) by 2020.
Guaranteed vehicle fuel economy standards of at least 35 miles per gallon achieved over the next decade -- equivalent to a 4% per year increase -- without exception or delay.
Environmental safeguards for biofuels to ensure substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and protect the quality of the lands, air and water in our communities, even as we dramatically expand biofuels production.
Energy efficiency standards for appliances, equipment and buildings to help consumers and businesses save money on their energy bills.
Control your Climate Future by Changing your Car
While state and federal governments work to find ways to address global warming, you can take matters into your own hands. If you own a car, or know someone who does, then you should check out Cool It, a new Working Assets site for everyone who's concerned about climate change.
Unless you own a hybrid, walk, or take public transit, chances are you can help slow down global warming by changing what you drive. If you would like to find a car that is less damaging to the earth, Cool It is the site for you. You can compare the CO2 emissions from the car you have now to just about any other car -- new or used.
Click here to take the first step to fight global warming.
Please share this message with anyone you know who cares about the future of our planet.

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